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Generator Transfer Switches

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    About Transfer Switches

    To safely connect a generator to a home or business, you use a Transfer Switch. An automatic transfer switch (ATS) monitors utility power for any trouble or failure. When needed, the ATS tells the generator to start-up automatically. Once the generator is producing power, it safely disconnects your standard utility power and takes it from your generator instead. It also prevents dangerous back-feeding of energy to the mal utility that can seriously injure or kill someone working on it during an outage. 


    Homes in North America use single-phase 120/240 Volt transfer switches.  

    Many business and commercial applications use three-phase power, 208,480 or 600 volts. 


    Transfer switches come in different sizes. They are typically matched to the size of electrical service you are provided with by the utility company. Most homes are 200 or 100 amps, and large homes may be as much as 400 amps. 


    You can often tell what size your home needs by looking at the main circuit breaker for your electrical panel. It is usually at the top of your electrical panel, and it has a number on it representing the size of the circuit breaker. 


    It is the job of an automatic transfer switch to tell the generator when it is needed. Typically the ATS signals a generator to start by closing a two-wire connection. When the link is broken between the two wires, the generator understands it should turn off. 


    Aurora Generators use generator controllers that are compatible with all two-wire start type transfer switches. When shopping for an automatic transfer switch, you need to pick the right size, voltage and whether the switch should be weather-resistant for outdoor use or not. 

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