We spend more time preparing for Halloween than we do for a storm that is just about to hit us. We need to get our priorities straight and think ahead before disaster strikes. We watch other parts of the country getting hit never really thinking about being caught up in that situation ourselves.

Instead of spending all of our resources on the recovery and cleanup after a storm, we need to spend more time on preparing for a storm. How you survive and recover from a storm directly relates to how prepared you are.
As part of being prepared, experts say that people need to take proactive measures to be their own first responder. A storm can sometimes effect hundreds or thousands of people all at once. Phone calls to 911 jam the lines with volume callers all seeking help. Most people get scared and have no idea what to do thus calling 911 and asking for assistance when really they can take care of themselves. Let the help go to the elderly, families with small children or the disabled. They will need the help a lot more than the average person.
During a disaster, it’s going to take time for emergency help to get to you and your family. You need to take steps now before the storm hits. You need to protect you and your loved ones and you must do whatever it takes to make sure everybody is safe, with food, clean drinking water and shelter. If a major disaster strikes such as Katrina, it may take days or weeks for the first people to arrive and assist you.

To get prepared for an upcoming storm, addressing the following questions is key:
1) Do you live along the coastline or a flood prone area?
2) Do you have people in your home with special needs...small children, babies, the elderly or disabled?
3) Do you operate a home-based business?
If you answered yes to any of these questions, storm preparedness should be a top priority today not tomorrow as that may be too late. Natural and man-made disasters can strike anytime, anywhere in the country, so it’s important for everyone to be prepared. Here are some things to consider:
Create an early evacuation plan that includes the route you plan to take and where you plan to meet family members if you become separated. You may need to drive away so keep that in mind.
Store 3-7 days worth of water and non-perishable food for everyone in your family in a dry, easy-to-access area in your home. Canned food ready to open and eat such as cans of tuna are great.
Create a storm kit and fill it with the following items: flashlight(s), weather radio, batteries, medications, money, water, non-perishable food, emergency contact numbers, etc. (the internet or cell phone service may be down so keep that in mind).
Install a standby generator at the side of your home in the event that you have to shelter in place during the storm.Most people would pay 10 times what a generator costs just to have one during a storm when they are stranded. This is so easy to prevent.

The number one problem people face in the aftermath of a storm is electrical power. When you lose power, it sets society back at least 50 years. It cuts off our communication; it prevents our access to safe food and water; it impacts our comfort (no heat or air conditioning depending on where you live and the time of year); and creates sanitation issues.
The fastest way to recovery is when people have access to safe, reliable power. Electricity is by far a major concern especially if the power is out for extended periods of time.
Its no wonder how we at Aurora Generators get a huge spike in calls and generator sales immediately following a storm or tornado. Our customers are angry that they did not consider a generator earlier, they blame everyone for not thinking about it. Some even get upset at us for not contacting them beforehand believe it or not.
Education is key and we at Aurora Generators do everything to get the word out about the importance of having our "OWN" power when we are taken off the grid by a storm, hurricane, tornado, earthquake or other natural disaster.
When you have your own power, you can take care of yourself and your family during a disaster. It’s much easier and comfortable to shelter at home versus evacuating to a relative’s house, hotel or disaster relief government sponsored community center or building situated away from the disaster zone. This is when you will be able to assist your neighbours, friends or even saving someones life perhaps.

About a quarter of our population consists of the elderly, disabled or the poor and homeless which means they can’t prepare for emergencies on their own. We need to be less selfish and do everything we can for those in need.
An aging electrical grid should be of great concern to many however few even think about this. This alone puts a huge portion of the population at risk and this isn't even a disaster created by mother nature. Something to think about very seriously.
Despite so many recent disasters like the one ongoing in Louisiana, people feel like it just can’t happen to them. We have to create a system and an action plan and that starts with you.
Whenever your ready to take action, call us at 1-877-510-6807 and we will help assist you with your generator needs.